Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Remembering Peter Hamilton

Hello friends and associates of Peter Hamilton. It was with great sadness that we learned of the the passing on Monday August 22 of one of our long-time Ramsden Park Dog Owner Associaton members.

To honour Peter's memory, members of the RPDOA along with neighbours and friends are contributing to the installation of a commemorative bench in Ramsden Park.

The city has such a program:
The target is $2200.00

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact me at this email address.
I am coordinating contributions by cash, cheque, credit or debit card. If you pay by cheque, payable to the City of Toronto, you can receive a tax receipt.
Fill in the form you can find at this link

and mail it to me with your cheque payable to
Treasurer, City of Toronto

David Bluestein
31 Roxborough St West Toronto ON M5R 1T9

If you prefer to pay in cash or by debit or credit card, I can arrange
to meet you in the park. Just call or email and we'll work that out.

Thank you so much

(David Bluestein)
Ramsden Park Dog Owners Association

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